Salami for Ukraine


I am Ukrainian by birth. That’s what I say when people ask me when they hear me speak. I’ve lived here over 20 years, but your accent is something you never really lose.

I now pride myself in being very British, except, of course, my accent which still ‘betrays’ me!

In Ukraine I come from a city in the Dnipro region, a place no one had really heard of until the war, and now as everyone is accustomed to geography of Ukraine, you probably have a better idea of where my roots stem from. Ukraine is a wonderful country and I so wish people had learned about its beauty and its people in different circumstances.

Thankfully my parents and my brother left Ukraine last November. So we are very lucky in that respect.

As the war in Ukraine started I felt enormous pain in my heart, even though I made the UK my home, the place is still very much who I am, and to see its destruction is inexplainable in its impact. There are numerous friends and families that are left in Ukraine. There are people who wouldn’t leave because they couldn’t for various reasons. Maybe they have no means physical or financial. Maybe they are old. Maybe they are disabled. Maybe they genuinely believe that it is their place and they are going to stay and fight however they can to be free again.

I wanted to help. I am pretty good at making salami as it happens. Through sheer determination, which probably is in my blood, I have made it happen. That is when I know I am Ukrainian through and through. So, I have created salami that is based on three Ukrainian ingredients. They are Horilka ( Ukrainian vodka), Honey and Sunflower seeds that we all very happily munch on back home. The result is quite good.

We have sold quite a bit already of this rather unusual product. We called it “Trizub” which is a coat of arms of Ukraine.

Every penny of the profits or this particular salami goes directly to individual people or families in Ukraine. We believe that it is a long-lasting project that helps people directly to be able to have basic needs. So, now you can help those people too.

Order our salami with the next order. Everyone is a winner. I get to make weird salami. You get to try it. You’ll love it ( that’s a given!) People in Ukraine get the money. Pretty simple. There are more good people than bad on this planet. Otherwise, humankind would be long gone. I believe in this simple formula. Hope you would believe in it too.

Thank you from the bottom of my aching heart.


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I am Ukrainian by birth. That’s what I say when people ask me when they hear me speak. I’ve lived here over 20 years, but your accent is something you never really lose.

I now pride myself in being very British, except, of course, my accent which still ‘betrays’ me!

In Ukraine I come from a city in the Dnipro region, a place no one had really heard of until the war, and now as everyone is accustomed to geography of Ukraine, you probably have a better idea of where my roots stem from. Ukraine is a wonderful country and I so wish people had learned about its beauty and its people in different circumstances.

Thankfully my parents and my brother left Ukraine last November. So we are very lucky in that respect.

As the war in Ukraine started I felt enormous pain in my heart, even though I made the UK my home, the place is still very much who I am, and to see its destruction is inexplainable in its impact. There are numerous friends and families that are left in Ukraine. There are people who wouldn’t leave because they couldn’t for various reasons. Maybe they have no means physical or financial. Maybe they are old. Maybe they are disabled. Maybe they genuinely believe that it is their place and they are going to stay and fight however they can to be free again.

I wanted to help. I am pretty good at making salami as it happens. Through sheer determination, which probably is in my blood, I have made it happen. That is when I know I am Ukrainian through and through. So, I have created salami that is based on three Ukrainian ingredients. They are Horilka ( Ukrainian vodka), Honey and Sunflower seeds that we all very happily munch on back home. The result is quite good.
We have sold quite a bit already of this rather unusual product. We called it “Trizub “ which is a coat of arms of Ukraine.

Every penny of the profits or this particular salami goes directly to individual people or families in Ukraine. We believe that it is a long-lasting project that helps people directly to be able to have basic needs. So, now you can help those people too.

Order our salami with the next order. Everyone is a winner. I get to make weird salami. You get to try it. You’ll love it ( that’s a given!) People in Ukraine get the money. Pretty simple. There are more good people than bad on this planet. Otherwise, humankind would be long gone. I believe in this simple formula. Hope you would believe in it too.

Thank you from the bottom of my aching heart.


Minimum pack weight 50g.

Weight 350-400 g

Salt, Sodium Nitrite (6.25%), Potassium Nitrate (4.75%), White Pepper, White Wine (Sulphates), Vodka (WHEAT), Honey, Sunflower Seeds

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